Author Archives: dzolin
Recovery after Sport or a Gym Session
Recovery after a great game of your chosen sport or a gym session is as important as the activity. Today I’m going to outline some common recovery methods and the rationale for using them. Rehydrate & Refuel After a game … Continue reading
Resistance Training Variables and Guidelines
Have you ever wandered about the science behind why we do a certain number of sets and repetitions of an exercise? Well today I’m going to explain it in the simplest terms so that you can review your own training … Continue reading
Your Exercise Routine and Progressive Overload
In an earlier post I touched on some of the reasons why you might not be achieving the results you are after with your exercise routine. There is no doubt that having an Exercise Routine is an essential part of … Continue reading
The Body’s Energy Systems
When you are just about to start your workout and you think I don’t feel very energetic today this could have implications on how you are going to perform, or is it just a figure of speech that we tend … Continue reading
The Planes of Movement
Understanding the planes of movement of the human body is beneficial as it allows us to choose exercises that will help us with functional movements both for everyday life and in our chosen sport. Some critics say that with our … Continue reading
Exercising For Life
Whilst it is not my aim to review books here I was so impressed with one that I read recently because of what the author wrote about exercise that I just had to pass the message on. The tagline for … Continue reading
Setting Your Fitness Goals and the Principles of Training
In May, I posted Are You Achieving Results With Your Training, as a related topic today I’m going to talk about the importance of setting your Fitness Goals and some fundamental Principles of Training that will guide you towards achieving … Continue reading
Flexibility and Fitness
Flexibility is often the neglected component of fitness, as one of the four dominant types of physical preparation along with speed, endurance, and strength, it is vital part of any fitness regime. No matter what your goals, profession, experience, gender … Continue reading
Are You Achieving Results With Your Training
Perhaps you achieved satisfying results when you first started your training routine but lately you have noticed pretty much a status quo, worse still you have regressed a little. Why is this happening? Let me give you some reasons: Adaptation … Continue reading