Author Archives: dzolin
Building Your Back
To those of you who have been following my writing, for the second time this year thank you and again my apologies for the delay. There’s been quite a break, however for me this has meant a plethora of different … Continue reading
3 day-per-week Full Body toning program
As the old cliche goes “absence makes the heart grow fonder” I’m using this to summarise my feelings for not having done an article since late December 2011, my apologies to those of you who have been following my blog, … Continue reading
Strength Training, Muscle Gain and Rest
One of the hardest questions to answer when it comes to strength training is How much rest does one need between sessions to maximise chances of positive adaptation such as muscle growth? Over the past six months I’ve written quite … Continue reading
Exercising Your Legs and the Effect on Testosterone Levels.
What really inspired me to write on this topic today was the number of people I see in the gym who don’t do enough, or completely neglect exercising their legs. Moreover they seem to spend more time on isolated upper … Continue reading
Shouldering the Weight
Shoulder exercises are important for the overall strength of our upper bodies however are we pushing it too far with exercises for the palpable muscles and perhaps neglecting others such as the rotator cuff. Posture and Exercise Before continuing on … Continue reading
Speed and it’s Role in Physical Preparation
Over the past couple of months I have spoken about three of the four dominant types of physical preparation strength, endurance, and flexibility, today I’m going to take you through the fourth which is speed. As is the case for … Continue reading
Functional Movement The Base for Training Progression
Whether you are an aspiring professional athlete or someone who puts a lot of effort into keeping their bodies in the best possible physical and mental condition the first step is to make sure that you can handle the fundamental … Continue reading
Training the Sub-Qualities of Strength
A few weeks ago I looked at the resistance training variables from the point of view of achieving muscle endurance, muscle strength, and muscle hypertrophy today I will take you through training the sub-qualities of strength, which can be summarised … Continue reading
Posture and Breathing Essentials for Resistance Training
Today I’m going to take you through a brief explanation of two of the most important considerations for staying injury free when doing weight training namely posture and breathing techniques. As a personal trainer working out of a large gym … Continue reading