Lose Weight with Strength Training

There has been a lot of conjecture over the years as to what is the best method to lose weight and more important keep it off.  I have read some interesting articles on this topic and I’m going to summarise the pertinent points for you here.  Moreover I’m a big fan of strength training and my personal experiences with weight training have helped me understand and postulate reasons why this type of training should play a big role in helping manage your weight.

Calories In,Versus Calories Out

Logic tells us that losing weight is all a matter of controlling calories, that is calories in, calories out, so if you consume less than you use, you will lose weight, if you consume more than you use you will gain body fat. Yes that’s true but it’s not the only consideration. Your lean body mass which is what’s underneath you body fat in the form of muscle mass is constantly burning calories around the clock even when you are sleeping.  Your metabolic rate goes up and down relative to body size, lean muscle mass, food (energy) intake and exercise. If you lose weight by dieting alone, you need to eat less to maintain the loss.  If however you do strength training it helps to maintain or increase your muscle mass, and as muscle is ‘hungrier’ than fat it consumes more metabolic energy which in turn helps you better manage keeping the weight off.

Under The Fat is a Strong Musculoskeletal System

Most overweight people have a strong musculoskeletal system supporting their high body fat percentage, they need this to be able to move themselves around.  Mike Adams the health editor of Natural News sums this up nicely and I quote him here when he says “ Underneath that body fat you actually have a very strong skeleton and strong muscles.  Your body has built up those muscles in order to carry all that extra body fat when you move your body.”  Another words he goes on to explain that the everyday acts of standing, sitting, walking, lifting the groceries and so forth requires more effort when you are overweight, so the heavier you are the stronger the muscles have to be to allow you to complete these everyday movements.

Lose Body Fat, Maintain Muscle, Elevate Metabolism

So where is all this leading to, can you guess, if you can retain this muscle (lean body mass) and therefore maintain the high metabolism that goes with it whilst losing body fat then you will be on your way to a fitter and healthier person.  This is where strength training comes in as a solution to losing body fat and retaining muscle, which will leave you looking and feeling better about yourself and more important will help you better sustain your new slimmer shape.  Repeating an earlier premise the more muscle you can maintain or increase the higher your metabolism and the easier it is to keep your body fat down as the lean body mass burns calories around the clock.

Summing up if you are overweight strength training will help you conserve the muscle mass you have which is important because as the old cliche goes “use it or lose it”, the body is very efficient at disposing of things it does not use.  It will take you longer to build up muscle again once you have shed what you had.  So let’s do strength training so we can lose body fat, retain muscle and keep our metabolism high which in turn helps us better sustain our new body shape.

Also remember when we say losing weight we should be talking about losing body fat only, not muscle, or bone density as well which you stand a greater chance of losing if you rely solely on diet and cardiovascular exercise.

Also remember when we say losing weight we should be talking about losing body fat only, not muscle, or bone density as well which you stand a greater chance of losing if you rely solely on diet and cardiovascular exercise.

Strength Training For Women

One last point, strength training is definitely not only for the guys, a lot of women still have the fear that if they engage in it will make them bulk up in turn making them look fatter.  Ladies there’s nothing to fear, strength training 2-3 times a week will help you lose body fat including fat from hips, abdomen, arms and legs, it will tone you and if anything make you look thinner, isn’t that what you want?

Remember before engaging in any form of exercise including strength training check in with you health and fitness professional for advise on what moves will best suit your body and minds needs.  20 Keys Benefits of Lifting Weights


Fitness Moves


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